It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.


In 2024 I was struggling with symptoms that no doctor could explain.
In 2024 I didn’t push some of my most passionate projects far enough.
In 2024 my partner decided to continue her life journey as a solo traveler.

In such situations, some things became clearer. You realize that when nothing is certain, anything is possible. Such situations give you two options: complain or grow. Sometimes life only makes you uncomfortable so that you move. Through such situations, I have developed many healthy habits, gained a lot of valuable knowledge, collected many unforgettable moments.

Compared to the time after my heart surgery, I have reduced my resting HR to the old levels, almost doubled my HRV score (stress resilience), almost doubled my VO₂ max score (physical fitness), and most importantly: I have been getting enough sleep consistently for almost two years.
Moreover, I have visited about 100 new bakeries this year, making a total of almost 180.
On top of that, this year I have also visited 22 countries, 9 of them for the first time, making over 50 countries in total.

With all these experiences in my luggage, while sitting at the Christmas table with my sister in Australia, I realized what life was trying to remind me of this year.

You may not celebrate Christmas and still spend great time with your loved ones.
You may not have a permanent home and still feel at home wherever you are.
You may face health, job, relationship challenges in life and still choose to be happy.

Same event, different perception.
Same trigger, different response.
Same situation, different reality.

It is what it is.
But it will be what you make it.

Happiness is not a matter of luck, happiness is a choice.

About the author

Art Balsam

Polyglot and traveler Art Balsam has changed his life almost completely in the last few years. From fat to fit, from hoarder to minimalist, from office slave to digital nomad, from just comfortable to actually being happy. In 2017 he made a list of 15 languages he wanted to speak while living in each of the corresponding countries. Since then he has reduced his entire life's possessions to the size of hand luggage and traveled to over 20 countries. He is currently living mainly in Madrid and already learning his fifth language. Since Art's story inspired many people around him, he now wants to take on the next challenge. As a motivational speaker he is offering a bigger stage for something that has grown from a craziness through a fascination to a way of life. Let him take you on a journey from Dream through Believe to Achieve.

By Art Balsam